Prevea ear, nose and throat
Ear, nose and throat care, also called otolaryngology, includes the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the ears, nasal cavities, sinuses, mouth, throat, head and neck. Our team provides care for both adults and children.
For certain conditions, surgery may be part of the treatment plan. Prevea ear, nose and throat surgeons offer patients the benefit of the latest technology. Our physicians utilize advanced laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgery and the latest diagnostic tools to provide the highest level of surgical care. After surgery, specially trained staff care for patients during all stages of recovery.
ENT surgeries are performed in eastern Wisconsin at the Prevea Surgery Center, HSHS St. Vincent’s Hospital or HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center in Green Bay and HSHS St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan, and in western Wisconsin at HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire and HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls.
Partnerships with allergy and audiology
Cochlear and BAHA implant surgery
Prevea Health is the only health system north of Milwaukee with a Cochlear™ and bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) implant surgeon for severe hearing loss. Surgeries are performed in Green Bay.
Key services
- Chronic sinusitis
- Coordination with speech and occupational therapy services
- Ear infections
- Head and neck skin lesions and cancer treatment
- Head and neck surgery and tumors
- Hearing loss
- Laryngitis, tonsillitis and throat cancer
- Minimally invasive sinus surgery
- Nose and sinus disorders
- Nasal obstruction
- Other voice and swallowing disorders
- Parotid disease
- Pediatric foreign body removal
- Snoring and sleep apnea
- Spasmodic dysphonia
- Thyroid disease