Wellness Hub
Resources for your health, your happiness.
The latest from Prevea Health
Breakthroughs & breaking news from the medical experts at Prevea Health
Running warm-up and stretches
Proper warm-up routines and stretching exercises are key to staying healthy when preparing for a run. These 11 exercises will get your blood flowing and muscles warm.
Shin splints
Exercise that is done incorrectly can lead to shin splints which can make running and performing other athletic activities very difficult. Learn how to prevent and see the signs of shin splints.
Snow and ice running 101
Running in Northeast Wisconsin or any cold weather climate is not easy in the winter months. Here are a few tips for every running training in the harsh winter elements.
Tenex Health TX
When physical therapy, cortisone injections, medication and rest don’t provide relief, the TENEX HEALTH TX™ procedure might be the solution to your long-lasting tendon pain.
The dreaded side stitch
You start out on your run and all of sudden you get a pain on your side. We have all experienced that pain, but what is it? Here are a few ways to prevent side stitches while you train and run.
What is a sports medicine & family medicine physician?
Do you know what a sports medicine & family medicine physician does? Find out what they do and who they help here.
What Is Gu and Do I Need It?
GU energy gel and other energy products can help put that pep back into your step during your runs.
What to do when everything hurts
Training can be mentally exhausting as well as physically. Take the time to recover by using these six tips, when everything hurts.
What to expect at your physical exam
A preventive care physical exam is an opportunity for your provider to conduct an overall “checkup” on your health and well-being. As such, physicals play an important role in preventive care.
Heel spur vs. plantar fasciitis
Have you ever had heel pain on the bottom of your foot? Learn the difference between Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs and how to treat them.
Compassionate, comprehensive care
At Prevea Health, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of medical services for you and your loved ones, including family medicine, urgent care and specialty medicine. You’ll receive exceptional, compassionate care.