Trigger point dry needling
Prevea therapy offers trigger point dry needling to help rapidly decrease pain and increase the mobility of your muscles. Trigger point dry needling is a minimally invasive technique that uses sterile, thin, filament needles to de-activate muscular trigger points. Sometimes, it may be combined with electrical stimulation to help with comfort and overall results.
A trigger point is a hyper-irritable and hyper-sensitive spot in the skeletal muscle, located within a tight band of tissue. Trigger points can cause tenderness, muscle weakness, muscle stiffness, reduced range of motion, referred pain to different sites in the body and increased pain. Trigger points are caused by continued low-level muscle exertion from physical or emotional stressors, direct trauma, exercise of an unaccustomed muscle, over-exercise or acute overuse and prolonged immobility.
Trigger point dry needling
No referral needed
Direct access without a referral or prescription to physical or occupational therapy provides you with immediate access to start your treatment without delay.
Cash pay is available
Common diagnoses treated with dry needling include:
Find a trigger point dry needling expert
Start your journey of reducing pain and increasing muscle movement by utilizing trigger point dry needling therapy services. Prevea therapy experts can help!