Prevea neurointerventional surgery
Neurointerventional surgery utilizes state-of-the-art imaging technologies and a minimally-invasive approach to treat specific head, neck, spine and brain disorders. Stroke and brain aneurysms are often the most recognized – or well-known – disorders treated by neurointerventional physicians. Prevea has highly-trained neurointerventional surgery experts who are skilled in treating a wide variety of conditions for children and adults such as aneurysms, epistaxis/nosebleed and strokes.
We see patients at HSHS St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay – a Comprehensive Stroke Center and a leader in stroke care.
Key services
Use the BE-FAST acronym to remember stroke warning signs. If you notice or experience any of these signs or symptoms, call 911 immediately.
E - Eye changes: Sudden onset of vision changes in one or both eyes
F - Face drooping: Sudden onset of facial drooping, usually on one side
A - Arm weakness: Sudden weakness or numbness in the arm, leg or face, usually on one side of the body
S - Slurred speech: Sudden onset of trouble speaking or difficulty in understanding speech
T - Terrible headache: Sudden onset of severe headache with no known cause
Stroke risk factors
Stroke risk factors such as age, genetics, gender and race cannot be controlled. However, there are several risk factors that you can control. If your health care provider has already identified that you have any of these risk factors, it is very important to create a plan to help reduce your risk of stroke.
- Abnormal cholesterol
- Alcohol consumption and illegal drug use
- Atrial fibrillation
- Carotid artery disease
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Inactivity
- Obesity
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Smoking
- Stress
- Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
- Unhealthy diet