Prescription for Wellness
Prevea’s health and wellness specialists and registered dietitian nutritionists work with you to set goals that are obtainable and sustainable and create an individualized plan of care when it comes to your dimensional well-being. We have a focus on weight management, improved nutrition and increased fitness but support other well-being goals centered around mental and emotional health, nicotine cessation, socioeconomic well-being support, lifestyle management around metabolic syndrome and other co-morbidities, and much more.
You will begin your journey with a FREE 30-minute informational session with a specialist to help determine which path will be the right fit for you. At the informational session, we will:
- Learn about your story.
- Discuss the program outline.
- Help you decide which path is best for you!
Each patient will also complete a health profile that will be reviewed by our nurse navigator and an intake form that helps us learn more about you and your overall well-being goals.