Wellness Hub
Resources for your health, your happiness.
The latest from Prevea Health
Breakthroughs & breaking news from the medical experts at Prevea Health
June is men's health month
Did you know that women outlive men by an average of 5 years? June is Men’s Health Month, dedicated to raising awareness about health issues that affect men and encouraging men to live a healthy lifestyle.
Manage your child’s health care with MyPrevea proxy access
With MyPrevea—a convenient, secure and confidential online resource—you have access to your personal health information from any computer or mobile device at any time.
Hunting season safety tips
Reduce a trip to the doctors office by wearing the right footwear and apparel during hunting and hiking seasons.
Pediatric Assessment Care Clinic
The Pediatric Assessment Care Clinic offers assessment and individualized care for children and adolescents with academic, behavioral, social or developmental questions or concerns, whether or not they have been previously evaluated.
Respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV)
Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. While most people recover in a week or two, RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults.
What to expect at your physical exam
A preventive care physical exam is an opportunity for your provider to conduct an overall “checkup” on your health and well-being. As such, physicals play an important role in preventive care.
Heart disease in men
Each year, more than 10 percent of all deaths in men in the U.S. are attributed to heart disease, which refers to several conditions that affect the heart
What you need to know about handwashing
Handwashing the right way can help prevent the spread of disease. The CDC recommends cleaning hands with five simple and effective steps.
Family medicine residency programs
Residents are licensed physicians who have completed medical school and are now going through specialized medical training in a particular field of medicine.
Does it run in the family?
Knowing your family history is one of the best factors in understanding your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. This can help you determine what tests and screenings are best for you.
Compassionate, comprehensive care
At Prevea Health, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of medical services for you and your loved ones, including family medicine, urgent care and specialty medicine. You’ll receive exceptional, compassionate care.