Wellness Hub
Resources for your health, your happiness.
The latest from Prevea Health
Breakthroughs & breaking news from the medical experts at Prevea Health
Muscle analysis MRI
Prevea Health has partnered with Springbok Analytics, an MRI software company, to create personalized 3D muscular reports to identify and measure every individual muscle
Are you ready to be active this spring?
When getting back into walking, running, and exercising, you may push yourself too hard. Easing into a routine can set you up for spring and summer.
Living with arthritis pain - what can you do to keep active?
Lifestyle changes along with healthy eating habits can help cope with arthritis pain to improve your lifestyle.
Oh, My Aching Back: When to see a Doctor
Doing a chore or exercise that you don't do on a regular basis can result in a muscle strain or twinge in your back that could either go away in a few days or become more serious. If you feel that your back pain symptoms last longer than a few days, you should call your provider right away.
As we age our bones may become weak and brittle which can result in Osteoporosis.
Shin splints
Exercise that is done incorrectly can lead to shin splints which can make running and performing other athletic activities very difficult. Learn how to prevent and see the signs of shin splints.
When is it time for back surgery?
Surgery isn't always the answer to back pain problems. Surgery for back pain will not alleviate the cause of pain, however, it can reduce the effects the pain causes in the arms or legs.
Got lower back pain?
If you experience pain in your lower back that spreads to your legs while moving but not while seated or laying down, then you may have lumbar stenosis.
Do you know that smoking affects your spine?
Degeneration in the spine is inevitable, just like gray hair, we all experience it at different times. Those who smoke whoever can start to have these problems in their 20s and 30s.
Core strengthening exercises
A well-functioning core protects your spine, hips, knees and ankles and creates a fluent and efficient movement. Try these exercises to help strengthen your core.
Compassionate, comprehensive care
At Prevea Health, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of medical services for you and your loved ones, including family medicine, urgent care and specialty medicine. You’ll receive exceptional, compassionate care.