Urgent Care
Let us know you are on your way.
Prevea Manitowoc Health Center
Special clinic hours:
07/04/2023: CLOSED
Urgent Care:
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 8PM
07/04/2023: CLOSED
Saturday - Sunday: 8AM - 4PM
Last urgent care appointment: check-in 15 minutes prior to close.
Services offered at this location:
- Breast surgery
- Drug screening and management
- Employment physical exams and screenings
- Endocrinology
- Eye care
- Family medicine
- Gastroenterology
- General surgery
- Lab and pathology
- Mammography
- Midwife care
- Muscle analysis MRI
- Neuroscience
- Obstetrics
- Occupational health
- Orthopedics
- Pediatric neurology
- Primary care
- Travel medicine
- Urgent care