Wellness Hub
Resources for your health, your happiness.
The latest from Prevea Health
Breakthroughs & breaking news from the medical experts at Prevea Health
What to do if your child is injured
If an injury appears minor one day, but becomes more bothersome the next day, you may call your athletic trainer and he or she can help you decide what action to take for your son or daughter.
Minimalist vs. traditional running shoes
In today’s running world, there are many shoe choices. If you are trying to decide which shoe is right for you, do your research. Know that whatever shoe type you chose will require accommodation.
How to dry your running shoes
Do you know an effective way to dry your shoes after a run in the rain or snow? Follow these simple steps to make sure your shoes dry properly so you get the full life out of them.
Proper shoe fitting
Properly fitting running shoes are essential to obtaining your training goals. Here are some tips on how to find the right fitting shoe for you.
Running Form
Be aware of the running form basics to prevent injuries and added stress to your body.
Running warm-up and stretches
Proper warm-up routines and stretching exercises are key to staying healthy when preparing for a run. These 11 exercises will get your blood flowing and muscles warm.
Snow and ice running 101
Running in Northeast Wisconsin or any cold weather climate is not easy in the winter months. Here are a few tips for every running training in the harsh winter elements.
What Is Gu and Do I Need It?
GU energy gel and other energy products can help put that pep back into your step during your runs.
What to do when everything hurts
Training can be mentally exhausting as well as physically. Take the time to recover by using these six tips, when everything hurts.
Why is rest and recovery important for athletes?
Following a week of high-intensity work, rest will allow the body to adapt to those workouts. You will reap the benefits of those difficult workouts you just put yourself through.
Compassionate, comprehensive care
At Prevea Health, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of medical services for you and your loved ones, including family medicine, urgent care and specialty medicine. You’ll receive exceptional, compassionate care.