Wellness Hub
Resources for your health, your happiness.
The latest from Prevea Health
Breakthroughs & breaking news from the medical experts at Prevea Health
One common reason women undergo a hysterectomy is to eliminate excessive menstrual bleeding. The NovaSure® procedure available at Prevea Health avoids the complications and costs of traditional drug and surgical therapies and can permanently reduce or eliminate bleeding.
What physical and emotional changes should I expect during pregnancy?
From body changes to emotional changes, here’s everything you can expect to be different during pregnancy.
Practicing body positivity
Practice body positivity to boost up your self-esteem as well as your family and friends.
Pregnancy, hip, pelvic and low back pain tips
Pregnancy changes your body to make room for your baby. It can cause pain and discomfort but with these tips you can lessen the discomfort that pregnancy can cause.
Suggestions for creative self-care
With our days becoming full with work and taking care of others, we can forget to stop and take care of ourselves. Taking the time to take care of yourself, can make the daily stresses a little easier to handle.
Unwind With Yoga
Join Dr. Baxter, Brittany and Deb as we continue our Unwind with Yoga series. Benefits of these next three poses include, stretching the lower back and legs, release of tension, improve posture and balance.
Find your favorites: vegetables
Vegetables get a bad rap, often because of our childhood, but it really is possible to find vegetables that you not only tolerate, but that you actually like!
Factors that influence the chances of getting breast cancer
There are, surprisingly, many factors that can contribute to the cause of breast cancer in women and men. If you have any of these, that doesn’t guarantee that you will get breast cancer.
Back to basics with mindful eating
Incorporating mindfulness into your nutrition plan focuses less on what you are eating and more on how you feel.
Adult preventive guidelines
The following preventive guidelines are designed for healthy adults at low risk for disease. Please note these are the minimum standards and your primary care provider may recommend more frequent screenings and testing based on your medical history.
Compassionate, comprehensive care
At Prevea Health, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of medical services for you and your loved ones, including family medicine, urgent care and specialty medicine. You’ll receive exceptional, compassionate care.