Wellness Hub
Resources for your health, your happiness.
The latest from Prevea Health
Breakthroughs & breaking news from the medical experts at Prevea Health
Fuel for fitness
Do you know why it's important to fuel for fitness? Watch this video to learn why you need to fuel for fitness before, during and after your workout.
Five training foods to boost performance
Most people will put the same 10 to 15 items in their cart every time they go grocery shopping. However, are those the right foods to be putting in your body when you are training for a marathon or other intense event?
Coffee and running performance
As runners we are usually looking for an edge. Whether you are training for your first half marathon or marathon or are a seasoned veteran, runners usually want to feel great or get faster during the race.
Stay safe while running in the dark
Whether you prefer to run in the early morning or after work, darkness is evident during certain times of year. Running in the dark brings on its own challenges
Fuel for your body
When should you eat before exercising? Eating too close to your workout could result in GI issues. Eating too early may result in loss of energy toward the end of your workout
6 power foods to have during training
While runners may burn a lot of calories doing what we love, we still need to be conscious eaters.
Running on empty
Of course, many runners enjoy a cocktail every now and then, but what does too much alcohol do to overall performance?
Proper hydration
Hydration is a key component to successful training. Consuming the appropriate amount of fluid will help performance and prevent injuries.
What water should I drink?
Today, the new craze is plant-based water. This water is created with liquid or powder extract from plants. Here are a few plant-based waters that are on the market
Gel, bar or drink - which one is best for me?
Sometimes it can feel confusing when you are trying to decide your nutrition plan for the long race. Congratulations on taking the time to decide which gel, bar or drink will be the right one for you.
Compassionate, comprehensive care
At Prevea Health, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of medical services for you and your loved ones, including family medicine, urgent care and specialty medicine. You’ll receive exceptional, compassionate care.